samedi 27 septembre 2008

Louise & Vlad

Today, two of my friends are getting married.
I'm sad and really sorry that I can't be with you today. I'll be with you in my thoughts. I know that this day will be perfect for you.

Louise, I'm so glad about being your friend.

I wish you all the best for the future and hope to see you both soon, in Moscow !

ps : your invitation arrived in Québec : it's very nice, and green ! ;) tx a lot !

1 commentaire:

Lou a dit…

Thank you Manon!!! Le mariage était super! Je suis contente que l'invitation te plaise (et oui, elle est bien verte! lol).
On est arrivés à Moscou hier et on t'attend déjà de pied ferme! ;)
J'espère l'été prochain?? ^^
Bon, je retourne à mon déballage de valises!